Conray Labuschagne is widely accepted as the ‘Passive Income Master’ and one of the most qualified personal trainers globally, renowned for his ability to teach and assist students to exit the rat-race and reclaim their lives by creating multiple streams of passive income.
Conray’s ability to transform student’s lives through passive income businesses regardless of how modest or small their start, has certainly assisted thousands of students globally to live a Life of Choice and Financial Freedom.
Conray’s specialty in wealth creation and multiplication through mindset transformation and unwavering self-motivation was established with the solid foundation of great mentors. He is a graduate from some of the world’s most recognised motivation and mentoring programs, including T Harv Ecker’s Millionaire Mindset Intensive, Guerrilla Business School, Christine Comaford–Lynch’s Renegade Business and Rules for Renegades, Donald Trump’s Property School, Keith Cunningham’s Keys to the Vault and Bill Bartman’s Business School, to name a few.
Conray has also been coached privately by some of the leading mentors in personal development and wealth creation, who still remain his allies and anchors to this day. His coaches include Blair Singer (creator of SalesDogs Methodologies), Mark Hansen and Jack Canfield (founders of Chicken Soup for the Soul), Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and Brian Tracy (best-selling self-help author and motivational speaker).
Conray’s early life was not a bed of roses, with various challenges in his personal finances and relationships with others. As Conray grew in maturity, he often wondered:
“Why do some people seem to make such a success of life with apparent ease, when others had to struggle to keep their heads above water?”
“Are some individuals favoured by the Universe? Are there some who are worthier than others? Do certain individuals have a special knowledge or skill which is exclusive, giving them an unfair advantage over others?”
Conray actively sought to find the answers to those questions, leading him to spend years travelling globally and investing vast amounts of time and money in his quest. The secret he discovered is a unique frame of mind and set of skills possessed by some of the most successful individuals.
What if this success formula of creating wealth could be turned into a key that opens a Life of Choice for anyone who seeks it? Would it be truly possible to enable others to get hold of this secret?
With this mission in mind, Conray founded Work Your Wealth, culminating his years of learning and crystallising his thoughts into a series of workshops and seminars, helping thousands of individuals with the desire to transform how they live from a life of mediocracy to a Life of Choice and Wealth.